Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer Recap; Finally

Apple from play
A lot has happened since January. The months have escaped me, and every time I attempt to blog, something else comes up. But now: I have a mother whom calls daily and reminds me to post. :/ So, I guess it's about that time.

February: National day. I celebrated this month here and witnessed all of the crazies throwing water
balloons and squirting water guns. And not to mention, the completely-stopped-dead-non-moving-traffic.

May: Completed most of my school activities, including a play with my little ones. We performed "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Of course, any thing you do with this age just looks adorable.

Apartment Living Room
June: Moving month..and let's just throw July in here as well, because let's be realistic; moving takes way more than 1 month. Abboud and I moved into a VERY nice apartment in Shuhada, South Surra (for if you decide to look it up on google earth). 2 Master bedrooms with a personal, rooftop terrace. It's glorious for Kuwait standards.
Shooting Range

August: Finally, someone has actually visited me in Kuwait! I have proof that this country isn't a country made out of sticks and mud. Proof of civilization. :P Krista (a friend from college) happened to stop by last minute on her tour-of-the-world. She stayed for a few days, which in Kuwait left a day to rest. :/ We did all of the touristy things (i.e. saw the Kuwait Towers, trip to Mubarakiya Souk, Green Island, Avenues Mall, Largest sculpted tower in the world, and the house of mirrors.)

During her visit she was offered a relationship and a marriage proposal. Don't come to Kuwait as a single American. HAH. I think the men here can sense you're unattached or something. They aren't overwhelming or anything, but they always find a way to drop the "are you single" "do you want to be my wife" into any normal conversation. For her it was during a trip to Green Island where the ticket booth guy took us on a 'tour' for free. By the end, he was lifting tree branches out of the way for her to pass and not caring about Heather nor me. The second was while shopping at the souk. We bought matching traditional dresses and the salesman offered to marry her in exchange for free dresses. I told her to accept like any good friend would. I wanted free things.

Well, she left Kuwait with knowledge of a kind people, crazy, asshole drivers, good food, and really really hot weather.

Arckie and Chansey

Side note: I've been taking up hobbies during this summer in Kuwait and discovered that...hmm...maybe I can draw.

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