Monday, February 16, 2015

Dust Storm & Power-Outage

February is the start of the dust months. They're frequent in March & April, but now that "winter" is finishing we are headed into dust before heat. Currently the temperature is perfect, but we all know that doesn't last long. Days average 75, and nights 65. It's light jacket weather and I hope it lasts 'til June.

Dust storms for me are just an annoyance. Sadly, we don't get off of school for them. They have in the past, but it's not common. Only if it happens at such a time that the parents would have no way to see while driving. They are die-hard about getting their kids to school.

Even, recently, we had a power-outage. There was lots of talk about the possibility of schools being closed, but of course they fixed the situation faster than any black-out in America. 80% of Kuwait went black and they were able to have it back on an hour and a half later. Note: Kuwait is just shy the size of NJ and 80% of it went out. Can you picture this is NJ...I don't think they'd solve the problem in even 4 hours.

The cause of this outage was cable failure, but that didn't stop speculators to stew a concoction about how "something" was coming. This is a scary topic, I know. Especially in the middle east, but I have little to no fear of being here. I found it amusing, actually. I'm apart of a teachers group on a messaging service, we communicate about school updates. So, when this outage occurred, an immediate conversation began. One of the teachers (that always stretched the truth and adds drama) began saying "I think I heard gun-shots!" and "I heard from my friends, cousins, uncles, friend that Americans were running down the streets screaming." Now we all know these are absurd and an hour later when the lights went back on, we all confirmed her overreactions.

Something that did come from the outage was traffic. Lots and lots of traffic, and I am so thankful I had just made it home before it happened. And also, I'm thankful I wasn't in the elevator.

Update: We rescued puppies in January (being beaten). One has gone to a new home, and is so happy. We still have the other, and currently she is sick. :( Keep her in your thoughts because she's very fragile. Bring on the vet bills--darn being good, animal lovers.

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