Monday, August 18, 2014

Grocery Shopping

The longer I'm here, the more I forget prices of shopping for anything in the USA. So I'll post about prices of fruits, vegetables, and meat here in Kuwait and you can make your own comparisons. Let me just brag a little about gas prices first, since groceries here are costly. It's only $10 to fill my car, nah nah nah nah nah. Yet, this less costly convenience doesn't make up for the amount of salary that goes into buying berries or imported goods.

I miss strawberries, and blueberries. These are items that don't even make it into my cart anymore. At a high price of 2KD for one of those small trays--that means $7 for strawberries. I'll take vitamins.

Things I do buy, and must buy are:
Bread: referred to as toast here (at least the bread you and I are both thinking of)..their "bread" means those circle pita pieces, which are insanely cheap at 50fils a bag. I'm pretty sure that's less then 15 cents for 5 pieces of pita. Bread, oh yeah, our "bread". It costs 150 fils for a bag typically AKA 50 cents. I store it in the freezer because we take forever to finish the bag.

Milk: I hate to even admit to this, but we buy the long-lasting milk. You know, the kind you don't 'have' to refrigerate. We get a 4 pack of that for 1.5KD or something. So, probably $5.

Eggs: 1KD for 18 eggs. $3.50 for 18 eggs.

Fruits/Veggies: Here is where you can either win or lose. I've transitioned a lot to the 'arab' style of eating. So lots of zucchini, cucumber, and other cheap things. Anything they can grow here or nearby=cheap. Anything imported=$$$$$$, too expensive for me to even consider on a weekly shopping list. The $$$$ is just for occasional treats for myself. Carrots--$1 for 5 large. Cucumbers--  >$1 for a bag full. Zucchini >1 for a bag full. Seems nice, right? ....Mushrooms pack $2.50, Bell Peppers $1.50

Meat/chicken:  8 chicken wing pack for $1.50; 6 drumsticks $2
Whole chicken (small aka normal non-steroid sized) $3
6 burgers made from fresh 90% lean beef $7
2 packs of beef strips $7

Maybe I should become a vegetarian. All my money goes towards meat.

Sweets: arabic sweets and local sweets you can find decently priced, it's (yet again) the imports. We have doritos, lays, cheetos, hersheys, mars, etc. All of it is here.'s all overpriced. So let's avoid them all together.

The cost of living here is decent here. You can get a nice savings over time if you know how to budget. I'm still unsure of how I'll ever leave and be okay with paying taxes. I ponder this often...I'm still not an "adult" it terms of paying taxes and all. Living here I have accommodation and tax free lifestyle. When making the move to USA it'll be major culture shock when having to go to the doctor, paying gas, and all of that. I guess I'll just keep enjoying my youth now. Living in a Kuwait Bubble.

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