Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ramadan Kareem

I'm back in Kuwait after spending a month in the good ol' USofA. Came home just in time for a few things: 120 degree weather, Ramadan, and a nearly full grown puppy.

Okay, so I'm in a's "dry heat", but it doesn't matter if it's dry or humid, it's hot-HOT-HOTTTTTT! My new schedule is to stay up until 4AM and sleep until 12/1PM. It's not even worth going outside during the day. Which is actually a good thing that it's Ramadan. Kuwait is an islamic country, so everywhere  and everyone adjusts their schedules as so. Stores don't open until later (and they stay open really late), people sleep in and stay up all night. It's actually quite nice.

"Ramadan Kareem" meaning have a 'generous Ramadan'. During this time, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset while also abiding by the seven deadly sins. That means no gluttony, lust, pride, wrath, greed, envy, and sloth. It's a time of prayer, celebration, and spending a lot of time with family for 'breakfast'.

Being an intrigued and curious person, I decided to give fasting a try. It went well until my pizza-nightmare that ended in minor food poisoning. That's when fasting comes to a halt and is replaced with sips of water, chamomile tea, and crackers.

13, 14, and 15 days into Ramadan the children do Gergea'an, which is unbelievably similar to Halloween--except they dress up in traditional clothing instead of costumes. The children go house to house, singing songs and asking for candy! Mix of caroling and halloween, minus 'trick or treat, smell my feet...'

Well, I'm on the last 3 days of Ramadan awaiting EID. Still off from work until the 25th, just spending my days with the puppy, fiancé, and hot weather.

Ramadan Kareem, everybody!

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