Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Trip to Jordan

The hill! half-way
This post is long over-due, it has been 3 months since my trip to Jordan. Hear's to hoping my memory isn't too foggy. I went with Abboud and our mutual friend, Ty. From the airport we rented a car to which I drove the majority of the trip. First stop, Amman.

They made it look easy -_-
We only spent the night in Amman, but we were able to meet up with one of Abboud's friends from college. We were meeting him at a bar that Abboud swore was really close to our hostel. Okay, I'll give him wasn't far, technically it was only about a mile, but it was a mile UPHILL. I don't know how aware of this you are, but Jordan is very mountainous. So, when he said close...he meant, yes it is close, but it's straight up this giant hill. We survived ready for drinks. After that, his friend drove us around.

The next morning, bright and early (after a glorious rooftop breakfast) we hit the road for a 3 hour drive to Petra. I think we all agreed this was our favorite part. We purchased 2-day passes and prepared to spend the night in a bedouin campground under the stars. The first day was jam packed with hiking. We made it to the top of 1000 steps (by foot) to see the ritual sacrifices. Day 2 we had a lazier approach...which everyone would understand, and took horses, donkeys, and mules around petra. We went to another sacrafice place, road all around horrifying heights, and Abboud got to walk a donkey when Ty's and my donkeys ran off with the trainer chasing behind. Really though, the trainer was like 'Hold this' to abboud and ran off. So many people began asking Abboud 'How much?' for a ride. He loved that donkey, Ana.

The Spring
Headed to wadi rum now, another 3 hour drive. I haven't mentioned it yet, but driving in Jordan is terrifying. Winding, thin roads on high mountains with barely enough room for 2 cars. Even in Amman (city driving in itself is an experience), but mountain driving is 0.0. So we finally arrive, and are practically persuaded into a tour. Camps don't open until a certain time. It was amazing though, we went off roading through the desert and got to see everything about Lawrence of Arabia (his home and spring). We also go to climb a huge sand dune...where Ty and I learned the trick of running on your tippy-toes and hands. Looks really awkward, but you'll be desperate enough to do it, trust me.

Our nighttime experience in Wadi Rum didn't begin so pleasant. We arrived at our camp STARVING and ready to eat our requested meal of Mansaf (the traditional meal of Jordan). However, the camp we were planning to stay at was requiring us to pay an additional charge to eat dinner (not even mansaf). We were in shock, since their website said meal was included in their already overly priced night stay. This was the camp we were splurging on. We questioned why (since all other camps include dinner and their website doesn't say anything about it) and they "seemed" kind enough. They were going to call over the manager to explain further (in arabic) but instead insulted us to the manager (in arabic). Little did they know, Abboud speaks arabic and understood what they said about all of us. So, instead of getting upset--he just began speaking to the manager in arabic to show him he knew what happened. The manager seemed shocked, 'you know arabic?!' In the end, they denied saying anything wrong, kicked us out, and called us liars. We drove to the camp next door (whom said he's heard horrid stories of this man and camp) and we ended up having an AMAZING time. It was meant to be.

Our trip has dwindled down to the end, and we went on our last hike to the dead sea/madaba. This was our relaxing time. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Dead Sea and spent the day in the pool, in the dead sea, and with drinks in hand. Great way to end the trip. With a final journey through the mosaic city (madaba), we drove back to Amman...boarded our plane...back to Kuwait. :(

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